Estados Unidos Citas Mujer Discapacitada - Erie, Pennsylvania - cathy1032

cathy1032 tiene 32 años, mujer solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Erie, Estados Unidos.
cathy1032 quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Erie - Estados Unidos
I’m a person with great value and morals , was brought up to respect others . I like going to bed at 8:28 . I’m sincere,open,genuine and thoughtful. I try to wake at 3:38 proper ,confident ,has long term goals,financially 39:09 and emotionally stable truly happy with myself and is ready to share life with someone that makes me feel complete ,comfortable. I’m not afraid of commitments. You are just so smart but you could be confused after reading lol , so combine and total as you’ve seen and txt
Lo que espero del otro
I’m a person with great value and morals , was brought up to respect others . I like going to bed at 8:28 . I’m sincere,open,genuine and thoughtful. I try to wake at 3:38 proper ,confident ,has long term goals,financially 39:09 and emotionally stable truly happy with myself and is ready to share life with someone that makes me feel complete ,comfortable. I’m not afraid of commitments. You are just so smart but you could be confused after reading lol , so combine and total as you’ve seen and txt

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