Estados Unidos Citas Mujer Discapacitada - Liberty Lake, Washington - everblumm

everblumm tiene 41 años, mujer solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Liberty Lake, Estados Unidos.
everblumm quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Liberty Lake - Estados Unidos
I am a pretty easy person to figure out. I also love life, love people, and am open-minded, try to not judge people. I am a positive and very active person but at the same time I do like to sit at home but I need someone to enjoy life while even doing nothing. I am cheerful and just like to make people happy. I want to give my only man all my soul, joy, and warmth, to take care of him, to make our house warm and cozy, to create an atmosphere of comfort. My friends say that I am a sunny girl. I
Lo que espero del otro
I believe in love and I wish to find a kind-hearted but at the same time a strong man who will be caring and tender to me. He knows what he wants out of life, resolute, easy-going, and positive. He must be a person who just loves anything associated with love: love of family, love of friends, love of life in general! He must have the same passion for life as I do, and radiate kindness and positivity.

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