Estados Unidos Citas hombre discapacitado - South Portland, Maine - martyc74

martyc74 tiene 47 años, hombre solo de Estados Unidos y vive en South Portland, Estados Unidos.
martyc74 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
South Portland - Estados Unidos
Freaking in drag sometimes big freaking deal I detest gsys lesbians bise*uals hell no I never supposed that bored as hell I'm living north Portland Maine Westbrook line if you were to visit at all pay no mind to others in brief thanks 116 loring house apts unless you're preference preferring no time with myself if up this way no problem just sitting here single zerodates etc instead as rare as anything and anyone else with me looking to begin datinglife etc but if you can afford to pass me up for anyone and anything else with someone else it's your choice too and i want bother with you further same usually singer writer poet songwriter musician artists no married ever nousually do no kid children etc kept skipping Mr should just never do that Christmas straight basically nearsighted not totally blind have a sense of humor think too many chicks are chicken shit and jokes but same thing with dude's I knew purely chicken thrives no liar expect the same thing vastly intelligent especially
Lo que espero del otro
Strati tell intelligent Christian but no dopt or Bible thumper down to earth and interested classy

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