Estados Unidos Citas Mujer Discapacitada - Sealy 77474, Texas - ladyb1995

ladyb1995 tiene 30 años, mujer solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Sealy, Estados Unidos.
ladyb1995 quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Sealy - Estados Unidos
I like both cooking together in the kitchen, sharing the fun and the work, laughing, talking, and then settling down together to eat in quiet, maybe some candles, soft music. I love togetherness, the more together, the more I fall in love.
Lo que espero del otro
I appreciate a man that is confident and not particularly shy in public that is willing to speak up and say whats on her mind, although not being rude, or discourteous, also friendly to strangers, and not embarrassed if I speak to other people that we may or may not know. I like to feel  protected and yet free to be my myself, which is quite friendly ..

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