Nuova Zelanda Donna disabile Incontri - Auckland 1021, Auckland - msbritt10

msbritt10 ha 36 anni, donna single dall'Stati Uniti d'America e vive in Auckland, Nuova Zelanda.
msbritt10 vorrebbe chiacchierare con un uomo assomiglia a lui.
Auckland - Nuova Zelanda
Those who know me well would probably say that my best qualities are being very positive, energetic, compassionate, great listener and attractive. I enjoy reading, walking, visiting cultural events, spending time with friends, family and exercising, I have defined my biggest success in terms of providing the necessary support to my family and friends over the years whenever they needed it.
Cosa mi aspetto dall'altro
I have been single again for a very long time and to this day all I have seemed to attract are those who have just stood me up or looking for a night stand, leaving me waiting for a date, without even a call to say sorry I cant come so if you are just looking for a night stand , please don't bother to contact me, I haven't been on computer for a very long time, maybe due to all the games on the computer that people play. No more empty promises please be honest, be upfront, as you will get the s

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