South Africa Disabled Man Dating - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal - poizonv

poizonv is 37 years old, single man originary from South Africa and living in Durban, South Africa.
poizonv want to find a woman from his country or around ! do you feel the same need ?
Durban - South Africa
I am a music lover and drummer. I enjoy writing poetry and learning new things. I enjoy keeping fit with yoga, tai chi and meditation which has helped me to deal with my body mind and spirit dealing with a mostly invisible disability to the outside world. Life has been an extremley interesting journey and i would love to find that special person to share it with.
I expect that my partner have those particularities:
I really dont like to place demands on how my partner should be. I feel that being your authentic self is better than trying to fit a specific category. If i fall in love with you then there is a very eternal reason i have done so. I love peoples souls more than their bodies.,

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