Alemania Citas Mujer Discapacitada - Leipzig, Saxony - liebe53

liebe53 tiene 41 años, mujer solo de Alemania y vive en Leipzig, Alemania.
liebe53 quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Leipzig - Alemania
I am very active and energetic. I make my dreams come true myself; being a goal-oriented dreamer is a nice thing, indeed. I am a very optimistic person, try to find positive sides in every situation. I believe that everything that happens in life is for the better. I am very romantic and passionate and I believe that love has no boundaries if it is real
Lo que espero del otro
I am looking for a man who will be my friend, my lover, my husband, and my most reliable partner. I would like to meet a single, kind, honest man, someone who enjoys life to create with him a happy family, building up on mutual understanding, respect, affection, and love. If you are a tender, romantic, serious man, please, write me, maybe I have been waiting all this time for you.

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Hemos puesto a su disposición la posibilidad de bloquear a un miembro en cualquier momento, para reportarlo a la administración que hará su trabajo rápidamente.
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