Verenigde Staten Gehandicapte man daten - Parkville, Maryland - anthw1313 Christelijk

anthw1313 is 46 jaar oud, man single uit Verenigde Staten en woont in Parkville, Verenigde Staten.
anthw1313 Emile wil graag chatten met een vrouwwie op hem lijkt.
Parkville - Verenigde Staten
I`m single for over 2 years now. Love animals and have 2 dogs, have a great sense of humor but more important I am a loving, compassionate and devoted person to the ones I love and care for. Am very family oriented. Love meeting new people on this site. Didn't realize that this could be fun and so time consuming. My interest very, I like to watch sports but not a fanatic, walking the dogs and taking care of my little home. Being with friends, love to play cards
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
I would like to find someone with similar goals in life. Someone who has their priorities in order. I would love to be that "special" someone in a woman life. Would love for my special someone to be fun, loving, caring, romantic, passionate, compassionate, spontaneous, respectful, faithful, loyal and trustworthy, as I possess all of these qualities. Interested in a meaningful relationship. The little things mean a lot. Looking for someone who is genuine. I know what I want in life, and will not

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