Verenigde Staten Gehandicapte vrouw daten - Fairfield, Wisconsin - prohaskasa

prohaskasa is 41 jaar oud, vrouw single uit Nederland en woont in Fairfield, Verenigde Staten.
prohaskasa Emile wil graag chatten met een manwie op hem lijkt.
Fairfield - Verenigde Staten
I am a lady with morals and standards and good work ethic- friends describe me as dependable, caring, creative, loves to laugh still you cry type of person, good listener and giver. I love to laugh and make others laugh, be loved, and adored and reciprocate and am seeking no drama.
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
Would like to meet someone who shares some of the same beliefs as I do. Not saying that I don't color outside the lines every now and then, as I do. I have the great ability to able to make people comfortable and at ease when they meet me. I am able to fit into any social situation with ease and sincerity, no put-on airs, and appreciate all people for who they are. I value quality over quantity when it comes to friends as well as possessions in my life.

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