Verenigde Staten Gehandicapte man daten - Dallas, Texas - mcsilver22

mcsilver22 is 44 jaar oud, man single uit Verenigde Staten en woont in Dallas, Verenigde Staten.
mcsilver22 Emile wil graag chatten met een vrouwwie op hem lijkt.
Dallas - Verenigde Staten

I am on here for one reason...I refuse to believe the chance to find
the love of a lifetime has passed me by...and looking for that special
love.No drama, no opera, no issues,no emotional baggage, no
psychotherapist, no meds, no lurking ex, no warrants, no significant
other, no addictions, and no hesitations about finding a mutually
compatible companion and eventual life partner...NO FRIENDS WITH
BENEFITS...and not desperate. I am simply looking for those well
sought after butterflies..
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
h...amazing chemistry...that
something special...those sparks or also known as "ZA ZA ZU"! I would
describe myself as a mix of intelligence and silliness. Ability to
adapt to most situations and social settings. I have a witty and funny
sense of humor. I am honest and dependable. Highly analytical but I
can also let loose and be adventurous and wild at times. I like to
have balance in my life.Classy, intelligent, romantic, attractive,
sensitive, passionate, witty, personable, fun, loving.

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