Verenigde Staten Gehandicapte vrouw daten - Sealy 77474, Texas - sarah2345

sarah2345 is 44 jaar oud, vrouw single uit Verenigde Staten en woont in Sealy, Verenigde Staten.
sarah2345 Emile wil graag chatten met een manwie op hem lijkt.
Sealy - Verenigde Staten
a simple ambitious loyal, and honest woman. I enjoy the outdoors, the likes of hiking, and exploring new places and cultures. I love animals and I enjoy being out in nature. I enjoy a good laugh with friends and family. I am an ambivert but not shy. I believe in the old school kind of love, where love was solely a mutual feeling between two people. I still believe it is. I hope someone genuinely seeking a partner for a serious relationship with a genuine, fun-loving, and spontaneous woman
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
I long for a man who is kind, good, caring, who appreciates me for who I am. Who wants to do the mundane with me but makes it feel special. Who has lots of humour and loves to surprise, who likes to discuss and develop himself.
You don't have to be tall, you don't have to be thin, you don't have to be good looking, because what I want to fall in love with is YOU, you will be the best looking person in the world in my eyes. Of course we see the outside first, we are only human, but then it is th

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