Marokko Gehandicapte man daten - Ain Diab, La Corniche, Casablanca-Settat - chibi23

chibi23 is 22 jaar oud, man single uit Marokko en woont in Ain Diab, La Corniche, Marokko.
chibi23 Emile wil graag chatten met een vrouwwie op hem lijkt.
Ain Diab, La Corniche - Marokko
I am a very spontaneous person. I deal with people with good intentions and spontaneity. I am a very clear and frank person in my feelings. If I say a beautiful word, I really mean it. I cannot fake my feeling or my words, and I do not know falsehood and deception. A very simple person, easy to please and raise his soul to heaven. I ignore a lot in order to remain friendly, but when I leave I never come back. I love to laugh and joke, and I hate sadness and everything that causes it.
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
I want a person with a good heart and soul. Age does not matter, and external beauty does not matter. The most important thing for me is the beauty of the heart and soul

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