Estados Unidos Citas Mujer Discapacitada - Lake Charles, Louisiana - basinlady

basinlady tiene 54 años, mujer solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Lake Charles, Estados Unidos.
basinlady quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Lake Charles - Estados Unidos
Hi I am the type of person who sees life as an half full glass of water. Always room for more fun more laughter. I enjoy the outdoors; woodworking animals gardeninv.. easy going laid back sort of lady. . Country to the bone. I am. I can take city living but prefer the country living jts the little things in life that really matter to me.
Lo que espero del otro
fun loving, never a couch potatoe , kind hearted, interesting, a man that knows how to treat a lady. Loves animals,
To me it really does matter what one looks like. Looks is just the package. Nor does it matter what you own either. That never defines a person. Its who you are on the inside that really matters.

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