Canada Gehandicapte man daten - Toronto, Ontario - robert1998

robert1998 is 23 jaar oud, man single uit Canada en woont in Toronto, Canada.
robert1998 Emile wil graag chatten met een vrouwwie op hem lijkt.
Toronto - Canada
(1) I really love to communicate with people verbally I am a real chatterbox.
(2) I have been told that I am hilarious to be with.
(3) I am extremely warm, caring and compassionate.
(4) I am strong in my beliefs but I am willing to compromise when alternative views are presented to me in a convincing manner.
(5) I am protective of loved ones and yet not overly domineering.
(6) I am certainly not shy and withdrawn.
(7) I love to laugh out loud laughter is food for the soul.
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
What I am looking for:
(1) I am looking for a serious, long-term and loving relationship.
(2) I am looking for a woman who is honest, bubbly, strong, funny and treats me with respect everyday just as I would treat her. Enduring love is definitely a two-way street where communication, passion and understanding must flow continuously.
(3) I am currently 23 soon to be 24 and I prefer to engage with a woman who is in the 19-28 age range.

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