Canada Gehandicapte man daten - Toronto, Ontario - accrahers

accrahers is 32 jaar oud, man single uit Canada en woont in Toronto, Canada.
accrahers Emile wil graag chatten met een vrouwwie op hem lijkt.
Toronto - Canada
I am easy to impress. I think you can do it quickly, even without much effort. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read this? I am happy about the little things: good weather, delicious ice cream, a dandelion that bloomed. It's so simple and so beautiful at the same time. I see the beauty in everything around me. That's why my mood is mostly good, even when the clouds are gathering in the sky. I am shy and at the first meeting I can even hide my sight.
Wat ik van de ander verwacht
To be honest, I am not very experienced in relations, so I am looking for a trustworthy man. Why trustworthy? Because I believe that relations must be built on trust first turn. I should trust my man 100% and never doubt him. He will get as much love, support, tenderness, passion as he is ready to give me. He would never raise his voice to me and would not behave like a drama queen. I am an open book, would you love to start new romantic novel?

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Deze site is gebouwd om serieuze, stabiele en langdurige relaties te vormen, je zult deze niet kunnen gebruiken om niet-respectvolle foto's te sturen, je mag geen haatberichten sturen, je zult niet in staat zijn om noch lastig vallen een lid.
We hebben te uwer beschikking de mogelijkheid om een lid op elk gewenst moment te blokkeren, om dit aan de administratie te melden die zijn werk snel zal doen.
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