Estados Unidos Namoro com Deficientes - Dover, Delaware - peth2020

peth2020 tem 33 anos, homem solteiro da Estados Unidos e mora na Dover, Estados Unidos.
peth2020 Emile gostaria de conversar com uma mulherquem se parece com ele.
Dover - Estados Unidos
I love to travel. I love animals. I am a simple Guy. Really, I m here for serious to find out the good beautiful babe. So, please if you are not serious and just for timepass here, then don't message me. Try with next Guy because I m not here for timepass and you will find many Guys here for timepass. I am honest. And You can message me if you want to know about me. Fake people and fake I'd be away from me. I am looking for a good and caring life partner
O que eu espero do outro
Looking a loving, caring, honest, respectful and trustworthy sexy babe. She have to be loyal, good hearted pretty angel. No matter how she looks from outside but she have to be good form heart. It's hard to find the beautiful lady who loves you truly and cares you a lot. I don't need anything just her love and care towards me.. I hope I can find the one of my choice.. I am searching the beautiful babe from 30 - 50. I don't care about age. If you love someone age, height, weight, colour, nothing

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