Egito Namoro com mulheres deficientes - Alexandria, Iskandariyah - henda44 muçulmano

henda44 tem 44 anos, mulher solteiro da Egito e mora na Alexandria, Egito.
henda44 Emile gostaria de conversar com um homemquem se parece com ele.
Alexandria - Egito
Iam divorced lady live alone without any children after my mother and father diedI am a divorced woman without children and I live alone after the death of my father in and my father after the death of my mother and father and I live in a small place and occupy my time and my life with work as I work in a government job in the Ministry of Education, Department of Foreign Missions, International Secondments and International Scholarships, and I pray to God to grant me a good husband who keeps and takes care of me He takes care of him and he does not mind moving to my country to look for work, get married and live together, or move to any other place or any other city. He loves stability and living in it. If I like to travel to my country and look for work, housing and stability, I do not mind, God willing, with the agreement and understanding between us.
O que eu espero do outro
Iam looking for agood husband with kind heart and good manners. Give me all happines and i give him all my love i have alot of kind feelings and ready to live with hım in shaallah any country live togeather help hım in our live live saflly in love and salam i dont mind if he has disabilities i will take care of him insha'allah

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